Both are Beautiful

Last spring, I attended a workshop in leadership and resiliency training for military spouses.  The Myers Briggs personality test, among several others, was utilized. I did not realize the depth of personal identification and awareness we would explore, including how we react in conflicted situations.  It was a week of investigating and appreciating the introvert and extrovert.

The self-discovery was beautifully exhausting, but I found myself distracted.  You see, I am an introvert.  For a split second, I thought this to be a negative thing. Often unfairly labeled as quiet, shy, off in the corner, uptight, standoffish, or even bitchy (gasp!), introverts turn inward.  We recharge our energy in our quiet spirit.  For us, time alone isn’t such a bad thing.  It’s actually a necessity which I can fully appreciate.

P1040055 The extroverts, however, turn outside of themselves to refuel their energy.  They are outgoing, concerned with the world and embracing its physical and social environment.   The extrovert gets labeled as loud, chatty, bossy, bold, energized, and the life of the party.  I admire these traits.  To me, the extrovert is seemingly fearless!

Extro II The leadership workshop lasted one week.  After we analyzed our personalities, we conquered conflict, advised and shared.  We discussed the dangers of judgment. We agreed and disagreed. There was laughter, there were tears. We discovered hidden strengths.  We used these strengths and our differences to work together, not just to benefit military spouses, but all women we encounter.

On the final day, we secretly wrote positive words about everyone in the room.  I was tickled to read, “quiet strength, spark of mischief” which is exactly how I want the world to view me.  I guess being an introvert isn’t such a bad thing.

Ever since the workshop,  I have felt compelled to add the introvert and extrovert to my painting collection.  Ironically, I had a harder time painting the introvert.  But I think they each successfully possess the proper vibes.  I often think about the ladies in the workshop. We have all moved to different parts of the world.  In our new location, I have come across a whole new slew of introverts and extroverts and



4 thoughts on “Both are Beautiful

  1. I LOVE these!!! Was just at a workshop where we talked about these traits and while I have considered myself an extrovert for some time, I discovered that I am actually an outgoing introvert. I truly love being around people, like getting their stories and energy but to recharge, I want to be alone in the quiet. Such an interesting topic. Have you watched the TEDtv piece about the power of the introvert? It’s wonderful. Also, is the bottom piece for sale because I lovee it!!

  2. Hello Suzanne –
    I really enjoy your posts on social media. So glad we met each other while you were in South Central PA. Keep up the awesome artwork.
    Mary Beth

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